Have you ever called a local restaurant, store or service professional and been put on hold for more than give minutes? Or worse, you can't get through to a representative and are left leaving a message on an answering machine with no assurance that you voicemail will be checked. The fact is it can be frustrating to communicate with local and general businesses via the phone. Enter
TalkTo, a company launching today at TechCrunch Disrupt, which allows consumers to send text messages send messages to any business and get quick responses to questions, feedback, and more. How does this happen? Well, TalkTo uses SMS to communicate with businesses. Via a web app, consumers can search for any business in the TalkTo directory, enter the address or location (city, zipcode etc.) and TalkTo will make sure that message will be seen by the business. With TalkTo, you can ask questions, give feedback, or make appointments or reservations directly with any business as easily as sending a text or instant message to your friend.
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/F7zopow4gNc/
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